In a decade where notions of what constituted ‘large’ in the superyacht world would rapidly shift, Feadship truly threw down the gauntlet with the 87.78-metre Musashi. While her size matters, it was the unprecedented levels of quality that most tested the mettle. To prove Feadship was the best of the best regardless of size required having the striking exterior flow seamlessly into a stunning interior of Japanese design and art deco-style. Perfectly suitable for a yacht named after a legendary samurai warrior.
In a decade where notions of what constituted ‘large’ in the superyacht world would rapidly shift, Feadship truly threw down the gauntlet with the 87.78-metre Musashi. While her size matters, it was the unprecedented levels of quality that most tested the mettle. To prove Feadship was the best of the best regardless of size required having the striking exterior flow seamlessly into a stunning interior of Japanese design and art deco-style. Perfectly suitable for a yacht named after a legendary samurai warrior.